At any given time, more than 50% of Americans are trying to lose weight. It feels like a constant battle for many, from strategizing your meal plans and calorie consumption to charging into action at the gym.
However, your adipose tissue is a wily adversary. It holds on tight in certain places like your belly, sides, back, thighs, and upper arms. You might call them trouble spots. We call them targets.
We also have CoolSculpting®, your secret weapon in the battle against the bulge. Here at SculptMD in Shrewsbury, New Jersey, our team can help you target and destroy stubborn pockets of fat so you can finally declare victory and celebrate the smooth, toned body you’ve worked so hard to achieve.
How CoolSculpting destroys your enemy — fat
CoolSculpting is an FDA-cleared, non-invasive body contouring treatment. It uses an innovative process called cryolipolysis that targets your adipose (fat) cells with freezing temperatures. Your fat cells die when they’re frozen, and your body flushes them out with other waste products.
What to expect during a CoolSculpting fat-attack
Our experts attach the CoolSculpting applicators to your body. You feel a slight suction as they adhere to your skin. As the treatment begins, you feel an increasing cooling sensation as well as pulling, tugging, and mild pinching.
Some patients experience stinging or aching feelings, but the cooling effect quickly causes numbness. Most patients relax during their treatment. You can read, watch TV, or even nap.
Your treatment finishes in 35 minutes or less. You don’t need to take any time off to recover following your CoolSculpting session.
While this mode of attack on fat is effective, it can take time to see your results. Your body needs time to flush out the destroyed fat cells. Also, most patients have a series of treatments to achieve their desired results.
Is CoolSculpting the right secret weight-loss weapon for you?
CoolSculpting is a body contouring treatment, not a fat removal treatment. If you’ve been eating well and exercising regularly but can’t shift a pocket of stubborn fat, CoolSculpting might be the secret fat-fighting weapon you’ve been waiting for.
Stay vigilant
After CoolSculpting treatments destroy your fat cells, they’re gone for good. However, you can gain weight after treatment. Keep up the excellent work by making healthy dietary choices and getting regular exercise to maintain your new, sculpted body.
If you’re tired of fighting what feels like a hopeless battle against your belly bulge or wobbly thighs, call our office or schedule a consultation online and find out if CoolSculpting can help you declare victory.